I did though order Xyngular for the first time today to mix with my shakes! I can't wait to try and give more input on my experience with that product. After all if I am going to sell it I better sell it all and not just the Xyng and Core 4.
So...my day as just been so so and my friends told me I was being a Debbie Downer. I guess Jules sprinkled good luck on me when she said that because for the past hour my fingers hurt form typing so much info to 4 different people.
The past hour I don't know what happened other than Jules calling me Debbie Downer but 4 people just contacted me out of the blue wondering what the heck I was selling!
One girl got me on the IM on Facebook and thought I was posting spam all over the walls until she decided to ask me if I was selling this stuff. "Of course I am," I told her. Then I went on about Xyng and before I knew it she was asking about the Core 4. Within 5 minutes she was on my site ordering but not before she realized she could sell this stuff. She then asked me about selling and she immediately thought that was something she could do. I had to chuckle because I saw her wheels turning like mine did when Jules turned me onto this stuff. How awesome is that!!!!
You see she works at a company that she can broadcast this out to all her fellow workers. She told me they are always trying to find the latest and greatest way of losing weight! Of course I got so excited for her because she was feeling the same thing I did when my wheels started to turn.
Before I knew it she was signed up to sell. I am so excited for her and I just love hearing how excited someone gets about these products like I do! I immediately emailed her all the helpful links and product info to get her started!
Then while all this was going on another friend from the past on my Facebook I had not talked to in quite some time said almost exactly the same thing she did. "I thought this was spam!" Well that conversation has now turned into when he gets back from Iraq he can't wait to try the sample of Xyng I am sending him!
Just when I thought things had calmed down another friend I actually had been talking to about the Core 4 finally ordered! I am so happy for her and can't wait to see her results. She was one of my hesitant ones and no doubt that is Okay! I can respect that because I am exactly like that. Now that she has decided to order I know she is going to be so pleased with her decision. I can't wait to hear!
Now....back to this weekend. I did visit the Stoneleigh Hotel where we are getting married. At the bar after a few mojitos I started to feel my sell jive kick in. I handed out samples of Xyng and sold half my box to some girls who just couldn't wait to order!
I have one response so far and she is ready to order the Xyng. She loved the way it made her feel! As far as the others go well....I have to find them. Note to self....be sure to get follow up info after passing out Xyng!
No worries though I do believe I have their emails somewhere in my purse to add them to my Facebook account!
What a day and so many lessons to be learned here!!!
Just Love this !!! Goes to show you , we have something to share with people and solutions to weight loss, choices of extra income potential and feeling good! You just never know! Love your blog!