I woke up at 6:30 am this morning to fix my sweet girls their lunch and quickly hurried back to bed. I was quite tired from being up in the middle of the night with an upset stomach. I had a grilled chicken sandwich yesterday that didn't sit well.
So, now I am wondering where the day went? I still haven't showered and the girls are about to be home any minute now. Can I get a few more hours please? I think I was productive so far today. I woke up at 9:30am, checked emails, exchanged a bit of conversation with a friend who is adding Xyng to her weight loss journey, and a bit of social marketing. Hmmmm, that doesn't sound very productive. Now I don't feel too good about myself.
I am looking at a house that needs to be cleaned, I need to shower, I need to run errands, and I need to go running. I can tell you right now the running part for today is taking a back seat. I sure hope I don't regret that later.
I really don't have too much to say today but wanted to get in some thoughts on paper right now. I did experience something yesterday which had me reach down deep into my mind to help a friend make sense of some things.
You see this person had a bad blow twice this week. Sometimes we don't understand why these horrible things happen to us and we ask ourselves why? Through my life experiences I have learned the answer to why? When I heard this person had a horrible day again I dropped everything, which meant skipping a class, to be with him. I explained to him that even though these horrible things happened to him they can walk away and learn from the experience. They will now have the knowledge to take with them in their next adventure. That experience will make them a better, wiser person. Without this bad experience it may of hindered him from the new bigger better adventure.
Does this make sense? It's like that quote I see circulating around all the time about sometimes we stare at the closed door so long that we don't see the one that has opened. This is true and somehow that is what I was trying to convey to this person. I think without life experiences we can't be a better person. We have to close the door and move on to better things.
We must always remember that even when it seems so bad that things can't get any worse there are reasons as to why it happened. Those reasons are usually seen later in life when you realize what you have would not have been obtained had you of not fallen down way back when.
For me, I wouldn't be where I am and with the family I have now had my path of not brought me here to where I am today. I can always look back and now understand why I had to go through the things I went through in my past. I have learned and am a much wiser person. I am able to help so many just from my own experiences.
So when you are hit hard always remember their is a bigger and better reason as to why it happened and look forward to seeing why one day.
great insight, thanks for sharing.