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Welcome to my Blog
See through my eyes as I start a career with Xyngular

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Are You Building on Facebook?

Are you building on Facebook?

Well, are you? Where else can you connect with over 100 million people in one place from all over the world, other than on Facebook? Many of us do not realize the power of making connections on Facebook. If you can socialize then you can build your business on Facebook.

Here are some tips:

1. Find New Connections

Find people with a common interest and don’t just venture out and add random people without knowing anything about the person you are about to add. It can be embarrassing when someone says, “Do I know you?” If you have a common interest then you can reply, “No, but I notice you are in the same line of work and I would love to connect.” Now if you did not have a common interest what would you say? How long do you think that connection would last and how meaningful would it really be?

If you are in the Direct Marketing business, find people who are also. For instance, I work for Xyngular so I try to connect with other people from similar companies. If you love running or yoga connect with those people and those kind of groups.

If you are uncomfortable adding new friends on your personal page, then brand yourself and develop a fan page on Facebook. For me, I personally use my personal page, because my business is who I am and I want to be as real of a person as the next. The problem with using a personal page is there is a 5000 friend limit. If you get to 5000 then consider developing your own fan page on Facebook.

2. Develop the Relationship

Here is where you are required to have social skills. Once you have a new connection take time to look at what they do for a living or what they are interested in. I am a people person and have always been fascinated by what people do. So, this is my favorite part. You must truly have an interest and not be looking at this connection as a way to get them into your business. If you take that stance it will come across to your new connection and you will likely become a deleted friend quickly. Lose the ego and the selfish motives at this point.

Seriously though, open up your eyes and get to know someone. Don’t just ask them to look at what you have to offer, let them come to you. Building relationships should take time just like any relationship done off of Facebook.

Have a heart and truly care about what they do and what their interests are. You never know where the connection could lead you. Yes, I said you…..

3. Go for it

Once your relationship is developed go for it! At this point you guys are friends and I bet now they know a lot about you and you about them. By now you will know what they do and what they like about what they do. Maybe you see that they do struggle in their business or they are looking for help with what they do in their business. A trust bridge has been built here between the two of you. If it has not been built then you will not get very far in your attempts to show them what you do and how it quite possibly could benefit their lifestyle. Remember they too are their to grow and not everyone is achieving success.

When the time is right you will know. So, go for it! Tell them you like what they do, you like their attitude, their spunk, and their social grace. Tell them you think they would be a great addition to your team.
If all things have been built correctly in your new found connection they will want to hear what you have to offer to better their lifestyle possibly.

4. Don’t stop there

Just because you have finally approached them with a new opportunity don’t just stop building there. Show your new connection you are not about recruiting but also about building something worthwhile. Focus on them not yourself. Ask questions and pay attention to their posts. Offer advice, suggestions and comments. Be fun and be intriguing!

5. Offer worthwhile information

People see your status updates and your notes. Be creative. Maybe create a fun video for your page. Offer some great tips along the lines of what you do. I am in the health and wellness business and I love posting helpful articles that pertain to a healthy lifestyle.

Don’t stop there post some random fun stuff you find fascinating. Let people in and let them see you have a sense of humor. Let them know you are a real person and not just about a business. You are on Facebook to share and create friendships.

Always comment on people’s status updates when appropriate. Maybe ask a random question on your status. Most importantly have fun and stay active!

It is really this simple. I spend most of my day on Facebook generating a tremendous amount of leads daily. What I love most about it is the connections I have made. I value each and every one of them and if you can take on this mind set you too will be successful on Facebook.

So, let’s get to building some meaningful connections!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Chemicals In Our Home

I am on a mission to rid my house of dangerous chemicals that have taken us over.  Please watch this video!

A Wake-Up Story from Healthy Child Healthy World on Vimeo.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Let's do some talking!

Listen I am a blogger by nature.  I love to write and I love to share.  Why?  Because honestly, if I touch one person with one blog I feel like I have made a connection.

It is all about connections and relationship building.  The Internet especially facebook is an unbelievable tool for creating relationships.  I have met so many wonderful people on the Internet that have helped me as I have helped them.

Let's take this one for an example.  This is too funny to me.  I was searching for some people who work for another similar company as I do.  I ran across a guy who happened to have the first name of this company, so I requested him thinking he worked for them.  I then got a video from him and he thanked me for the friend request.  Lol....I watched the video and my jaw dropped to the floor!!!  He was an actor in Los Angeles.  A VERY creative artistic actor!  A man of many qualities and a body sculptor at that!  Well, through a few emails and several phone calls we both have formed a relationship where I can help him and he can help me!  Who would of thunk???? I'm still giggling over this one as is he. You just never know what kind of friends you might find on facebook.

Okay so let me get back to where I was really going with this blog.......

As most of you know I am in the network marketing industry.  I simply love it.  This business has given me the freedom to stay at home with my children.  i am also helping so many with their weight loss success.  Now, I have tried network marketing  in the past and failed miserably.  I guess that is why when I was approached by Xyngular I was skeptical.  I have always had a bad taste in my mouth for network marketers.  I feared that question, "Oh you should come to this meeting we are having."  Ummmm, NO.

Maybe I just found an amazing company this time around.  Or, maybe it is because my products are what 80% of the population need.  Or, maybe it is because I am turning into the leader I was born to be and you want to come along!

I have thrown myself into this business 110%.  I read  articles and talk to mentors so I can grow my business to a 6 figure monthly income.  Are you saying, "yeah right"?  Please do, I challenge you but it is real!  I have two coaches right now training me in the MLM launch formula and these guys have had no problems showing me their paychecks.  So the proof is in the pudding.  I am lucky to have these two on my side to bring me up to the top.

One thing I can promise my team members is I too will bring them with me and share all the wonderful education I have learned thus far and what I will learn in the future.  Trust me there is enough room out there on the Internet for all of us.

This business is not just about the products it is about building relationships.  Sure, the products help but realistically if you want to be successful then you will want your new friends to trust you and follow you along on your journey.  But, you have to be willing to give.  Give out your success secrets and stories.

I am getting there and I have been told that at the end of this year I will be raking in a 5 figure month easily!  I can't wait!  I can tell you though it is not going to happen without hard work.  There are many nights I am up studying till 3am in the morning only to jump back up at 6am to get back on the computer to study.

Right now I am in the MLM Formula Launch 6 week intensive course with Jonathan Budd.  I am only in the first week and have so much to do!  I can't wait to see this explode!  If you are interested he did open back up the doors for a day or so.  I urge you to check it out if you are all interested in growing your business!
MLM Launch

I don't want this blog to seem like a sales blog.  Really I don't care if you do this with me or not.  I just think it would be fun to have some fellow friends do this with me.  I have a close friend by the name of Eric who actually talked me into pulling the trigger on this.  You see I can learn everything from him for FREE.  Why?  Because he is on my team and that is what he does.....he helps his team out.  But, I came to him and asked what he thought of these guys and he simply said they are the best in the business.

So, let's move on......Actually, let's call it the end here.  I will come back later and discuss a few more fun things I have had on my mind lately!

Here's to your success!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hello World!

Well the last week has been a crazy one!  I can honestly say that when you know you are doing the right thing you just know.  Even if I were not doing the right thing it doesn't matter because my relationships are growing and things are exploding.  All fuel to motivate me to reach further into the sky!

I am a strong woman by nature and never back down from a challenge.  Whether it be a mental challenge or a physical challenge, I will conquer it.  I know this sounds so conceited but for me it works!  This passion I have to succeed is overwhelming and I am determined to get there!

I have goals and those goals are getting closer to getting met.  When I put my mind to something I can make it happen and that is what is happening!  Every time I achieve a goal it just pushes me to do more.  There is nothing I can't do!  What a great feeling!

I have met so many new and interesting people the past few days.  People who inspire me and want to help build my business and ask for nothing in return.  It's awesome!  I have all these ideas flooding through my head on how to brand myself but just can't seem to organize it perfectly.  I feel like I was in a box for the past month but now doors seem to be opening and I am trying to run through them all to soak up all the knowledge that I can!

My friend Allison and I have big plans!  I can't wait to share them all with you guys!  Those of you that have been mentoring for us the past few days, well you rock!  Thanks!!!

So with this all being said, reach for the stars and own it!

Be the cat!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Toxic Relationships

Have you ever had a relationship in your life that required a lot more effort than it was worth?  Just to keep the relationship going was hard work.  You feared the conversations and how it would go?  Well, I have and had to make a decision to rid the connection from my life.

You see this relationship lasted for over 30 years.  The relationship was off and on, meaning we would talk then we would not talk for months.  He would always become angry with me and instead of discussing the real issue with me he always chose to just give me the silent treatment.  I guess he really didn't care.  

He was a master at brushing issues under the rug and I tend to be way too forgiving.  I have always been taught to forgive.  Now maybe I misunderstood what it meant to forgive but I found that this relationship was unhealthy and destroying my self esteem.   

I can remember always feeling afraid to tell him something amazing that happened because ultimately he always found away to belittle my accomplishments.  Every accomplishment always followed, "why didn't you do it this way or why did you even do it that way."  If I got a promotion it was never good enough because bottom line I wasn't the CEO.  If I broke sales records and exceeded my quota, I could of done more.  If I bought a 2000.00 dollar refrigerator with my own money, well why did I waste money on a refrigerator when I don't need such an expensive one.  The 800.00 dollar one does the same as the 2000.00 dollar one I am told.  

I could never please this man.  Sure the compliments came every now and then.  I clung onto those compliments hoping for more to come.  Only for those compliments to be taken back and my faith shattered.  

This relationship for me was exhausting.  Throughout the years I had been told how I used him, how I was selfish, how I always make stupid decisions, how I can't handle my own life, how worthless I am, how it was never good enough, how I have always done things wrong, how difficult I can be over the holidays when it comes to juggling everyone, how I am not appreciative, and how I can possibly live day to day successfully.  

You see I disagree with all of this.  I tried for many years to prove his brutal comments to me wrong.  I have two beautiful children, who I feel are some of the most polite and well behaved kids you will ever meet.  This is the result of parenting.  I received two degrees while I was a single mom and in my 30's.  I busted my rear to make sure my girls were always happy and their needs were always met.  I paid my way through college.  I made sure my girls were my number one priority in my life after their parents divorced.  They didn't ask for their parents to split so my job was to keep their life as normal as possible.  My life revolved around these children and I live my life by giving them the best childhood that they deserve.  

I couldn't fathom how he thought I was selfish when I always try to please others.  I am constantly trying to help others and make them happy.  There are a few decisions I have made in my life, which were probably  stupid, but I am a stronger much wiser person because of those failures.  

As far as handling life?  Bring it on!  I am strong, independent and I can overcome.  I have hit rock bottom.  I know what it is like down there and what I have learned is everything happens for a reason.  We must always remember that no matter how bad it gets.  We can not let the down moments consume our lives when there are bigger and better things awaiting for us.  No one can make us unhappy it is our decision on whether we choose to be happy or not.  

Maybe I don't send enough thank you notes but I can assure you I will tell you how thankful I am and how wonderful you are.  I will walk to the end of the world for my friends.  I will drop everything for a friend in need no matter what it is!  Want to test that out?  Try it.....call me when you need me and I will be there!

So, one evening after leaving my classes I took a deep breath and realized how thankful I was the day was over.  You see Neuroscience, Cognitive Science, Social Personality, Personality and Development, and Research had killed me that day.  Not only was school stressful,  I was wearing a heart monitor.  Feeling the stress that day I just wanted to get home to Bill and my girls.  I sat on the couch and had my last phone conversation with this person who I could do nothing right for.  By the end of the conversation I ran into my closet and sat down and cried.  

All I could hear as I was experiencing heart issues and stress was how worthless I was.  How I used him to cart my girls down to Houston to their Dad's house.  I heard him telling me, "Poor poor Michelle you can't handle life.  You think you have finally met someone who loves you and your girls? Come on, Michelle they all start out that way and in the end you will see.  You never liked my wife and were always trying to find away to put a wedge between her and me.  You are selfish.  You always make a mess of things when it comes to getting together on Christmas.  You never have the plans in order.  No, you can't change the plans when Christmas Eve has always been our day.  I don't care if it is difficult for you.  That's you being selfish.  I even gave you money to help you pay for your own school one semester when you were in a bind and you never paid me back.  I'm still waiting on that money."  The words went on and on in my head and all started to just blend together as one big phrase,  "YOU ARE WORTHLESS!"

I sat there feeling horrible about myself.  Then I realized I had the power to end this!  End this once and for all.  It was time for this weight to be lifted off of my shoulders and I would never allow this man to treat me this way again.  The things he said to me that night are images burned in my head.  Even after 2 years they are still so fresh.  

I let go......

Still wondering sometimes if that was the best decision I received a friend request the other day from him on Facebook.  My 11 yr old daughter looked over and saw the request and said, "really?  why didn't grandpa just call you instead?"

From my 11 yr old daughter I thought....why didn't he my Dad just call me?

Friday, May 21, 2010

Change In Direction

Good Morning! I have decided after not being able to sleep for some reason last night to focus my blog on a particular topic.  My dear friend Allison has always told me I need to put Realationship Counselor and Xyngular Distributor on my business cards.  I have decided to take her advice!  Wel not really put that on my business cards but to offer up intersting topics and helpful articles in regards to relationships. 

I tend to be a magnet when it comes to my friends and even strangers discussing their relationship problems.  I love it!  I love to help them out.  I feel with my life experiences and my education I can offer some great advice.  No one has to take my advice or suggestions but I hope that you will ponder them in your head at some point. 

What do you think?  I hope to start this afternoon after doing a bit of reading.  I was wondering if you have any ideas on realtionship topics I should address? 

But, before I sign off this morning, I wanted to share this letter I received from a mother with a child with autism.  I don't need to say anymore about how this made me feel for you and myself.  I will let you decide how you feel after you read this.  Please fee free to comment.  I would love to hear what you have to say.

I am searching for ideas about my unique situation involving my little guy (who is also quite unique, as we all know). His latest and greatest obsessions involve clean vs dirty cars, car washes and car emblems. I am so tired of all of this and so ready for him to move onto another obsession!!! He will break down into tears over seeing a dirty car (not every time, but when he does it is a severe emotional breakdown lasting up to and even over an hour.) He has heightened anxiety at the moment, which I have already written about in the past and we did get back his strep titers test finally. The test was positive with high titers, so we will be treating for this soon with he help of our Dr.  I hope this treatments helps ease his anxiety and obsessions, since we know those can be symptoms of chronic strep infection.

Another issue that is causing great concern is his obsession with car emblems and his desire to see the inside of EVERY car he sees so that he can locate the emblem on the car's steering wheel. This obsession is so great that he runs off from us in parking lots, runs out of stores or building to get to the cars in the parking lots, tries to open car doors to see inside which can set off the alarms, and even has run up to people getting in and out of their cars and tried to push them aside so that he can attempt to see the steering wheel. It's INSANE and so dangerous, not to mention absolutely embarrassing when he climbs on someone's car to see in or practically tackles them to get to their car. This does not make others very happy, as you can imagine.

He's now officially faster than I am and this scares me to death! His racing through parking lots when he gets away from us is terrifying. I am partially venting to get this off my chest to a group that I know understands and also seeking opinions... do I wait until we address the strep and other issues with his DAN and hope to see these obsessions subside with proper treatments before taking a complete behavioral approach? Has anyone experienced anything like this before? I am losing my mind everytime we leave the house because the ability to get from our car to our destination and then back again is maddening! It's an all out battle to keep him off of cars and forget hand holding... I just have to grip him tightly in an effort to keep him with me. Not getting to see the cars seems to make the obsession worse!!! Help!!!!

Bless this mother!  Till next time....

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Beautiful Flower

Well, this evenings call from Cheryl Ables spoke to me and urged me to write.  I have been thinking about this for quite sometime and my dear friend Allison has been getting an earful along with Bill from me.  After listening to Cheryl validate exactly what I have been saying over and over I feel it is time to get this out there.

You see I had a dream the other night.  I was walking through a beautiful green meadow filled with beautiful red and yellow flowers.  As I was walking a large red flower with a bright yellow border lining the end of every petal stood out to me among all the other flowers. As I looked around  I noticed all the other flowers except this one beautiful flower had fallen or wilted to the ground.   I was in awwww of this beautiful flower.  I wanted to keep it for myself.  When I reached down to pick the flower the flower yelled, "NO!"  I immediately thought I was losing my mind as I jumped back.  I looked down at the flower standing so straight and the flower said, "please don't pick me, I have worked so hard to become such a beauty."  Well, knowing that I was in a dream I spoke to the flower and said, "Why can't I have you?  I want to show you off in a beautiful vase at my house."  The flower then explained to me how it started out as a little seed that had been dropped in the dirt by a bird.  The dirt grabbed onto the flower and legs began to anchor the soon to be flower in the ground.  The flower always told the roots how thankful it was for their support and in return they worked even harder to support this soon to be beautiful flower.  Then it went on to tell me a stem grew up out of the ground to help him reach the sky.  The stem was so caring and so sturdy that the legs (roots) provided all the wealth (nutrients) to the flower so that it eventually was able to reach the sky!.  You see this flower was always so thankful to the legs and the stem and it took pride in what had lifted it up to the sky.  The flower knew just from looking around at all the wilted flowers that beauty can not stand on it's own nor reach the sky without the help below it.

I sit here thinking about my own life and my job with Xyngular.  I cherish all my relationships and will walk to the end of the world for those I care for.  I don't ask for anything in return, when I give I truly give from my heart.   One thing I have always said when I made the decision to work as a distributor for Xyngular is I want each and every person, friend, or family member to know everyday how thankful I am for their support.  Whether it be for buying the products or just for supporting my career.  I make an effort almost everyday to make sure they all know I am here for them and that they are confident in knowing that.  I make an effort not to just sell the product or sign someone up without making sure they know I am here and I will be checking in on them because I want them to come with me!  I want to succeed and I want those involved to succeed with me.  Bottom line is that I can't not succeed with this on my own.  I wouldn't be where I am today if it were not for the people who trusted me and believed in what I had to say.  Here at home pursuing a career and staying home with my children who need me. They are my roots.  Roots that continue to increase in numbers and continue to grow beneath me and help me reach the sky!

So, I ask you, do you remember the people everyday who support you and made you who you are today?  If not, think about it and try not to take all the beauty and forget those who helped you obtain this beauty.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Texas Weight Loss Challenge Kick off

Yesterday at 5:00pm I kicked off the Core 4 Texas Weight Loss Challenge via video. I posted this video on youtube to my channel and received a comment this morning that I wanted to share with you guys and gals.
The comment said:
Meh , I understand what you're trying to do with this scheme from a marketing point of view , but i don't think many people will join this contest for that prize , put money on the table = people will join .
I know you're trying to make ppl loose weight using your products and than say it's because of them you lost weight

Okay probably not the brightest person on the block just by reading the grammar, but I had three choices here.  I could delete it, I could do nothing or I could respond.  What did I choose?

Well, as Bill puts it I am a bull in a china store.  I really don't know why he calls me this?  Hmmm.....

Anyways., I responded.  Here is what I said:
You are right I am marketing! That's what I do! This is a weight loss challenge and most of the people who have joined are the ones WILLING to use the Core 4 products. If you don't want to join then no problem. I only want to market a product that works! I wouldn't promote a product I didn't personally try first nor believe in. This stuff is amazing and I have plenty of testimonials to back it up. In fact not one unsuccessful one yet. So why not have fun with this. 

Geez, as I realized I had to erase my first response the above comment is what I ended up having to leave due to the number of characters I could write.  Really?????  Come on!  When someone posts a reply like that I need more than 65 characters to respond!  So, here is what I was really wanting to write.
Dear Random Responder, 
You are right!!!  I am marketing some amazing weight loss products!  Why?  Because they work like no other weight loss products I have seen on the market!  No scheme here just facts!  As far as your opinion on people not wanting to join because they would rather win money instead of more of the products they have been using to help them in their weight loss journey, well that's just your opinion.  It is like winning money actually it is keeping money in your pocket so you don't have to buy more Core 4 because you are convinced the products work.  You state I am TRYING to make people lose weight ?  I can't make anyone lose weight, all I can do is state the facts and support, encourage, and be your cheerleader!  If someone loses weight on Core 4 it a combination of the products and the willingness to use them.  Many have seen for themselves that they have not had to change the way they eat and can just incorporate the products and they have been successful in their weight loss.  
 There are times in our life when opportunities are presented to us.  We can either open that door and experience it to the fullest or we can close the door and wish later we would have opened the door while others succeed.   Sometimes good things actually do come around and it is your choice as to whether you want to miss the boat or join in!   
My weight loss challenge offers up friendships, encouragement, support and loads of fun!  I call that motivation for a healthier lifestyle.  I truly believe in the Core 4 products and I would never think of selling something that I truly did not believe in.  Bottom line, you can not be an effective sales leader unless you actually believe in it.  I have seen it work and I personally know it works.  That is why not only I want to share it with my friends and family but I also have the passion and desire to see them achieve success in whatever they venture out on. 
I am not offended by your reply at all. Thanks for it and for giving me the opportunity to tell the world of youtube why I am doing what I do! Cheers!

So that's what I wanted to write.  Feel free to find the video here and comment with me!  I always like a good debate.
Weight Loss Video



Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Texas Weight Loss Challenge

I am doing a Texas Weight Loss Challenge with the Core 4 products. Interested? Email me and we can get you started. You are not using Core 4? That's okay we can get you started!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Super Fruit Global Blend Strawberry Smoothie

Here is another great recipe video making a smoothie with the Super Global Blend from Xyngular.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Rubber Band Bracelets The New Fad

Have you heard of the new craze that has hit the schools? Rubber band bracelets. Really? When my daughters first told me they wanted me to buy these animal bracelets, I thought to myself how cute. Bracelets that are in the shape of animals? I might like this. I might even wear one myself. Of course, I like fun cute things.

So, after hearing for a week that the only place to get these popular bracelets was at Stonebriar, which I hate going to, I finally broke down and took them. Only to get there and see an empty kiosk with one rude man talking on the phone refusing to acknowledge us. After walking around the kiosk 4 times I did get to see one of the bands in a display case and my thoughts were, REALLY? I am going to spend money on this? These bands looked something like a 3 yr. old created. I looked at my kids and said, "you want this?" "These are silly and cheap." I could make these. Then I quickly remembered I wasn't spending money on this, my children were using their own money. I couldn't deny them what they wanted with the money they had earned, right? I mean who am I to judge what they want to buy with their money earned when I buy what I want, pedicures :D.

Wait! I can judge I am their mom! I quickly got a hold of myself and realized I am their mom and I can guide them into making purchases that are meaningful. So, after convincing them these were silly we left the kiosk only to find another silly toy, a fuzzy, squirmy thing on a string. Yep! Now that was a meaningful purchase! Okay, maybe not but it sure beats a bunch of rubber band bracelets.

The bracelet hunt didn't die down after I thought we cured the quest with a silly fuzzy toy. For the next week I found my kids coming home with rubber bracelets that their friends had duplicates of. More and more each day. "Mom, can we buy gum?" I thought man these children eat a lot of gum lately. Come to find out they were trading gum for bracelets. I also noticed an increase in my daughter's motivation to attend swim practices and get to school early. I was baffled and excited that my girls had finally found the meaning behind a good education and exercise.

Right? Noooooooooo!!!! The motivation was the rubber bracelets they were trading and collecting! Not me and my exceptional parenting skills. It was just these silly rubber bracelets driving the motivation.

Luckily my girls proved to me at a swim meet the next week that they earned a trip to Walgreens, who now carry these silly things. After the bang up meet they had I took them there and we purchased our first set of rubber bracelets. Hey, I guess I couldn't complain they were cheap. As I mom I like cheap entertaining toys.

The best part of this is something I thought was so silly and a waste has turned into a huge addiction. I even get to wear the "extra" bracelets because you know mom has to look cool too! I catch my kids showing off their arms now at the gas station to the kids in the next car.

So here I am on the hunt for these silly bracelets because every store seems to be out of them and all the stores know exactly what I am looking for. Last night after hitting three stores the person in front of me was already asking my question, "do you have them?" I don't even have to ask when I walk in to a store now because these things are so popular that I can assure you someone right before you is asking.

Everyday is a new day about what cool animal they have on their arm. I also hear what cool animal such and such is going to give them. Then I get to hear the negotiating between the two of them on who wants what rubber bracelet. Oh, and how they want to get to practice early because Jessica is going to trade a polar bear for a parrot.

This hot new craze has a silver lining for me as a mom. The good news is.....my girls don't miss swim practice anymore and they are motivated to go to school everyday for the fear they might miss out on a good trade. Awwww......gotta love the rubber bracelets and the fact that I get the leftovers. So my arm basically has the not so cool ones. Hmm....maybe I should start the adult craze over these!

Rubber band bracelets

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Several Things I have learned so far!


Well, it has been awhile since I posted something on my blog. The last few weeks have been one crazy ride. I have learned so much in the past few weeks I thought I would share. Here we go....

1. I should have bought a video camera a long time ago to film my girls at their swim meets. What a great investment this was! It was so cool to come home after a three day meet and replay the events for them and also to share with my family in California! Why didn't I think of this along time ago?

2. I love my job! I honestly never thought about the rewards I would be receiving when taking this on. I have been doing this for a little over 2 months now and it just keeps growing. I am no where even close to wanting to throw in the towel and am thankful for that! Not only is it growing I have been creating some meaningful relationships. I have always had this passion for helping people, but didn't realize when embarking on this journey as a distributor for Xyngular that it would actually fulfill this need to want to help others. I think the best thing I have heard in the past week was when two friends of mine told me they trusted me. Trusted me because I am not looking to make a sale I am actually wanting to help them lose weight and for that they wanted to try the Core 4. They have known me for years and trust my judgement due to my example of living a healthy lifestyle. How cool is that? I am so thankful I am able to help others.

3. Never play fantasy baseball, football, or anything fantasy with your fiance. Enough said....

4. I have learned the social media world is enormous and you can easily get lost in the world. You can find your self spending hours researching, jumping from one link to another, setting up accounts in all the social networks, wasting time, losing sight of the big picture and so on. Honestly it is very simple. There is a wrong way and a right way. The internet world is HUGE!!! I am guilty of the wrong way but learned very quickly what works. Just pick two social sites and build relationships within them. Don't market your product all over the site just build relationships. How fun is that! You can also do this for free! You don't need to spend money on learning how to play in the social media world. You don't need to spend money to get more leads. You don't need to spend money on how to obtain more friends. Just be yourself. There is plenty of free advice out there and I would be more than happy to give it out.

I sit at my computer and re connect with friends from my past. I participate in a few groups that I have a passion for and meet new friends. Become an expert in something you love and become a trusted friend. We buy from the people we trust.

5. I have also learned the world of twitter. Twitter, I always thought was just about posting updates. Oh, not even close! Twitter is huge on marketing your business. You just have to figure out how to use it successfully. I hate seeing tweets from friends posting links to their products. In fact I un-follow them. Twitter, just as facebook, is about building relationships. Did you know you can search twitter by keywords, location, who follows who, and by profile data? Do you know you can use hashtags in twitter? Do you know what that is? Did you know you can set up automated direct messages to everyone who follows you? Or what about this, did you know you can automatically set your tweets to post for the entire day? You can also reply to people's tweets and it will broadcast out to all their tweet friends and yours? Or how about just retweet their tweet and maybe they will retweet yours to their followers. Whew!!! The world of twitter! Can you see how this relationship building in twitter can really help build your business? I could go on with more and more about twitter but I am afraid I may of lost some of you.

6. I now know that is does not do me any good to have a planner since I have showed up this week to two appointments and the appointment was not on the day I showed up. I apparently can not read the days of the week.

7. I have found a new love again for running. I have never felt better. I have been running now for 3 years straight. My new love though is running 2.5 miles every other day and working on my couch to 10k training on the other days. I feel healthy and stronger than ever before!

8. I have also learned that I should never be afraid of the dentist when my 8yr. old had her two front teeth knocked out two weeks ago and she went through way more than I ever have at the dentist. I showed up to my root canal appointment the next day with a smile on my face. Okay....so the nitrous helped a little. I also realized too much makes you hallucinate. I guess I should of said something to the dentist. I thought that was normal.

Well....that's pretty much what I have learned in the past few weeks. I am sure there is more but I can update you guys later. I am not off to hit the pavement for some 10k training.

Till next time.....

Thursday, April 22, 2010

This is a great video by my team member Heather. She is amazing! She has been using core 4 now for weeks and has had so much success. I wanted to share this with you.

Learning not to condemn, criticize, or complain

Today while I was waiting in the dentist for my youngest daughter to get her two teeth put back together I started a new book that was recommended by a friend of mine on facebook. I realize probably everyone has read this but I have not. The book is "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie.

You see in my business as a distributor now for Xyngular I am having to learn how to socialize on the computer more. Actually it is quite fun and I love to meet new people out there from all over the world. I have made so many wonderful connections and have learned so much about social networking. I thought I knew facebook, twitter, linkedin, and myspace but, I am quickly realizing I really knew only a chip of these amazing vehicles to the social world.

What drives me to succeed in this business initially was so I could stay at home with my girls. I needed to replace my income as a therapist for children with autism. I am almost there in actually only one month in the business. I love that I can help people achieve their weight loss goals, their financial success, and that I get to actually go to my girls school now to eat lunch with them during the day.

So, back to the book. (Just a reminder I warned you early on I go all over the place) As I was reading the first chapter I ran across a poem / story. I want to share it with you. It brought a few tears to my eyes as I sat there in the corner of the dentist office as my little one laid there getting work done.

I think everyone with our without children should really take a moment and let this sink in. Ask yourself if you are in the habit of criticizing all the time? Stop and really take a look and listen to yourself. Are you? If so, what has this habit done to you? You know the habit of finding fault.

As I have always said to my friends who are going through issues with another ask yourself why? Why is this person behaving this way and try to understand them.

Here it is:

Father Forgets

by W. Livingston Larned

Listen, son; I am saying this as you lie asleep, one little paw crumpled under your cheek and the blond curls stickily wet on your damp forehead. I have stolen into your room alone. Just a few minutes ago, as I sat reading my paper in the library, a stifling wave of remorse swept over me. Guiltily I came to your bedside.

There are things I was thinking, son: I had been cross to you. I scolded you as you were dressing for school because you gave your face merely a dab with a twoel. I took you to task for not cleaning your shoes. I called out angrily when you threw some of your things on the floor.

At breakfast I found fault, too. You spilled things. You gulped down your food. You put your elbows on the table. You spread butter too thick on your bread. And as you started off to play and I made for my train, you turned and waved a hand and called, "Goodbye, Daddy!" and I frowned, and said in reply, "Hold your shoulders back!"

Then it began all over again in the late afternoon. As I came Up the road, I spied you, down on your knees, playing marbles. There were holes in your stockings. I humiliated you before you boyfriends by marching you ahead of me to the house. Stockings were expensive - and if you had to buy them you would be more careful! Imagine that, son, form a father!

Do you remember, later, when I was reading in the library, how you came in timidly, with a sort of hurt look in your eyes? When I glanced up over my paper, impatient at the interruption, you hesitated at the door. "What is it you want?" I snapped.

You said nothing, but ran across in one tempestuous plunge, and threw your arms around my neck and kissed me, and your small arms tightened with an affection that God had set blooming in your heart and which even neglect could not wither. And then you were gone, pattering up the stairs.

Well, son, it was shortly afterwards that my paper slipped from my hands and a terrible sickening fear came over me. What has habit been doing to me? The habit of finding fault, of reprimanding - this was my reward to your for being a boy. It was not that I did not love you; it was that I expected too muchof youth. I was measuring you by the yardstick of my own years.

And there was so much that was good and fine and true in yourcharacter. The little heart of you was as big as the dawn itself overthe wide hills. This was shown by your spontaneous impulse to rush in and kiss me good night. Nothing else matters tonight, son. I have come to your bedside in the darkness, and I have knelt there, ashamed!

It is a feeble atonement; I know you would not understand these things if I told them to you during your waking hours. But tomorrow I will be a real daddy! I will chum with you, and suffer when you suffer, and laugh when you alugh. I will bite my tongue when impatient words come. I will keep saying as if it were a ritual: "He is nothing buy a boy - a little boy!"

I am afraid I have visualized you as a man. Yet as I see you now, son, crumpled and weary in your cot, I see that you are still a baby. Yesterday you were in your mother's arms, your head on her shoulder. I have asked too much, too much.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results! How about trying something different like I did!!
Hey friends!! Come join my weight loss forum! http://is.gd/bzyPL

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A little worried

Well this year has been a rough year for my oldest daughter. She is in 5th grade and I don't know what it is, though I do suspect, but these girls are getting quite mean. Not Megan, but her friends. One day they are friends and the next she comes home telling me they snuffed her off. I am at a lost and fearful at the same time.

Probably did not help that I picked up the latest gossip magazine only to read about a girl who committed suicide because she was bullied in her school. It tears my heart apart and I feel so bad for those parents. I could not imagine the pain they must be going through and the pain this poor girl was going through to want to commit suicide.

My solution today is to go eat lunch with her at her school. She really enjoys this and if this is what helps her then by all means I am on board! You see the other day her "so called" friends started to sit with her then ran off to another table and left her alone. Now a few others girls came up and sat with her which I was thankful to hear but it broke my heart. She doesn't understand.

I think I might but I can't change Megan. She is who she is. She is a bit socially awkward, I guess. She is naive I would say. Talks a lot and hold an enormous amount of information that most girls her age are really not interested in. You see she is a walking encyclopedia. She finds science and how things are made fascinating!

I do know in the long run if I can just get her there she will be a much brighter and wiser person if she just can hang on to her identity. Hopefully it won't get squashed by all these girly girls who feel the need to gossip about one another and switch friends weekly.

So, today is a sad day for me. I am worried. I am concerned. I am scared. All these emotions and I just want to protect her. She is the most loving and caring child you will ever meet and sadly that does not make her popular.

With that said....I am off now to eat lunch with her.

Till...next time.
I love getting checks!! This one is the biggest so far! Wooohooo!!! What fun!

Monday, April 19, 2010

I would love more people to come join my discussion page. Feel free to share. http://is.gd/bzyPL

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Love this article about the company I am working for! See you at the top! Come be on my team and have fun losing weight! http://is.gd/bwZNC

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Where did the day go?

I woke up at 6:30 am this morning to fix my sweet girls their lunch and quickly hurried back to bed. I was quite tired from being up in the middle of the night with an upset stomach. I had a grilled chicken sandwich yesterday that didn't sit well.

So, now I am wondering where the day went? I still haven't showered and the girls are about to be home any minute now. Can I get a few more hours please? I think I was productive so far today. I woke up at 9:30am, checked emails, exchanged a bit of conversation with a friend who is adding Xyng to her weight loss journey, and a bit of social marketing. Hmmmm, that doesn't sound very productive. Now I don't feel too good about myself.

I am looking at a house that needs to be cleaned, I need to shower, I need to run errands, and I need to go running. I can tell you right now the running part for today is taking a back seat. I sure hope I don't regret that later.

I really don't have too much to say today but wanted to get in some thoughts on paper right now. I did experience something yesterday which had me reach down deep into my mind to help a friend make sense of some things.

You see this person had a bad blow twice this week. Sometimes we don't understand why these horrible things happen to us and we ask ourselves why? Through my life experiences I have learned the answer to why? When I heard this person had a horrible day again I dropped everything, which meant skipping a class, to be with him. I explained to him that even though these horrible things happened to him they can walk away and learn from the experience. They will now have the knowledge to take with them in their next adventure. That experience will make them a better, wiser person. Without this bad experience it may of hindered him from the new bigger better adventure.

Does this make sense? It's like that quote I see circulating around all the time about sometimes we stare at the closed door so long that we don't see the one that has opened. This is true and somehow that is what I was trying to convey to this person. I think without life experiences we can't be a better person. We have to close the door and move on to better things.

We must always remember that even when it seems so bad that things can't get any worse there are reasons as to why it happened. Those reasons are usually seen later in life when you realize what you have would not have been obtained had you of not fallen down way back when.

For me, I wouldn't be where I am and with the family I have now had my path of not brought me here to where I am today. I can always look back and now understand why I had to go through the things I went through in my past. I have learned and am a much wiser person. I am able to help so many just from my own experiences.

So when you are hit hard always remember their is a bigger and better reason as to why it happened and look forward to seeing why one day.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I feel like a kid in a candy store!

Today I went to have lunch with my adorable little Kenzie at her school. It was quite an experience. In fact, the last ten minutes of lunch was a silent lunch. I leaned over to Kenzie and asked her if I had to be quiet and she quickly told me yes. Really? I'm not in school! I wanted to just talk really loud just to see if I would get in trouble. I elected not to since I would have embarrassed my child and she would of banned me from lunch with her.

Anyways....I got home, packed up some samples of Xyng to send out to my friends. I walked out the front door to the mailbox and to my surprise I saw two BIG boxes from Crate and Barrel! Presents???? Oh boy!!! This is really happening I thought! I am really getting married! Our first present sitting right there on the front porch! I called Bill right away and told him the awesome news! "Come home, so we can open them!"

Okay...now it is an hour later. No Bill as of yet. Honestly, I knew he wasn't really coming home to open up the presents with me but it would have been fun. So, now I just wait, looking at two beautifully wrapped presents. Feeling just like a kid on Christmas morning. Feeling giddy like a kid in a candy store.

Wait! Etiquette, etiquette, etiquette! Can we actually open them? Do we wait till after the wedding? If we do open them now, do we not use them till after the wedding? But, if we don't open them now won't the sender think maybe it didn't arrive or that we are being rude for not acknowledging? Oh the questions! Then there are the thank you cards! I have to shop for those right now! What kind will I get?

Wow, so many decisions and I must contact my friend Jules. I bet she knows. She knows everything. Either her or I am about to dive into google and research the correct etiquette for receiving presents months before our wedding.

Till next time.....

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Hardest part of This Business

Good Morning. I have been wanting to write about this for a few days now but have been trying to get it all together first in my head. So here is a warning up front: I probably will be all over the page here and quite possibly not getting to the point of what I am trying to say. I hope you get it!

First off I had to crack up laughing at my friend Allison this morning who is a distributor above me. She just emailed me and said, "Hey, I don't understand this compensation plan with Xyngular, but I like it!" I just love it and had a chuckle! Gotta love Allison!

I tried to explain it to her the other night after I figured it out and she must not of been listening or quite possibly it was the wine. Well at least she is happy with her daily checks she is receiving! The more I grow with this company the I love it.

Which brings me to my topic. I think the hardest part of this business for me is the fine line between selling and helping others achieve their weight loss goals. One thing I do know is I would do this for free. The checks are nice though. My family in California I know have no clue what I am doing and quite honestly I believe are shaking their heads. That's okay! I'll get to them later and they will see the proof is in the pudding!

I am, as I will tell you right now, a natural helper. Most of my friends know this and I would drop everything for them just to listen to their problems. I would not consider myself a pleaser but someone who truly cares about people and if I can make a difference in their life I will. Rather it be big or small. So, I believe that is what makes me successful in this business.

Part of this job with Xyngular allows me to do this something that was an added bonus when I signed up. What I find hard in my job is when I am telling my friends and family about the Core 4 - 30 day weight loss plan. I worry at times that they think I am just trying to make a sale. That is really why I wait for them to come to me. I personally know I am not just trying to make a sale because I tried the products, seen the results and am still using the products myself. I definitely do not want to promote something without knowing how good it is. In fact I respect when someone tells me before they decide to sell for Xyngular they want to try it first! I would just feel horrible selling a lie.

Which brings me back to the hard part. What do I do? Do I really need to do anything different? I can honestly say it is working for me. The struggle I have is convincing people who truly have tried everything that this stuff is great and it works! It is easy! You don't have to change how you eat! You don't have to change anything! Who wouldn't want that?

So see here I go again! I feel like I am trying to sell you something by talking about how awesome it is! What I want EVERYONE to know right now is I love this job and I love sharing! This is not about the sale it is about making difference in your life and helping you obtain your weight loss goals! Anyone can do it! Once the sale is even made I am constantly checking in on your progress because I truly care.

You see I know I don't have to explain that to the people that are already using Core 4 because of me! I am only having to explain that to the people who are thinking about it!

The products are tailored to each person's needs. For me I just use the accelerate and cheat. That's all I need. It gives me energy and helps me maintain my weight. My mom uses accelerate, xyng, flush and cheat and she lost in her first week 6 pounds. I can't wait to hear about week two! Allison and Jules do the entire system! They are experiencing the most dramatic results.

The bonus to all this is when I see them get excited, like my friend Farrah, and the light bulb goes on in her head. She just signed up to buy then realized, like I did and so many others, that she wants to share this with the world! She had to go back and re sign up as a distributor!

So, when I tell you just go ahead and do the distributor you can see why I say this. She is not the first of my friends to change their mind and as we climb to the top we get to go together!

We don't rely on a downline! Downline??? What is that?? We rely on our team! We rely on quick starts! We rely on the company revenue and bonuses to put those checks in our pockets daily! That my friend is why this company is sooooo GREAT!!

Ooops there I go again getting all excited and talking away! What I am learning is just be myself! Be honest, true and it will come. That's all I want and if I can continue to change lives that will always be enough for me.

Thanks for reading!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Just another Wednesday.....in fantasy baseball

Today is Wednesday and I am feeling quite motivated unlike Monday. Although Monday did end up turning into a crazy day with two new members signing up for the Core 4 program. I am excited and I can't wait to start hearing their testimony.

So, I play in a fantasy baseball league and I am learning real fast that I don't like playing in the same league wiyh my fiance, Bill. You see he doesn't play by MY rules. The rules are as follows:

1. You don't pick someone up off the waiver till you have checked with me to make sure I am not wanting him first.
2. You don't beat me when we play each other because.....well.....it just wouldn't be very polite.
3. When you discover something about a player you must first share it with me and give me first dibs.

Pretty simple eh? I think that is fair. Don't you?

Well, today I went in to pick up a different catcher because I wasn't feeling it with Kurt Suzuki.

A day or so ago I was telling Bill how I was looking at Miguel Montero (had him last year) and Ryan Doumit. Both look like they are off to a much better start than my pitcher. Well, this is all about winning so I go in this morning and see that Montero has been picked up. Okay, I am thinking that's okay because that just made my decision a little easier and I'll get Ryan Doumit! Yeah!!!! I even told Bill that Montero got picked up.

So, I go in to yahoo to perform my miraculous pick up and got distracted because Bill needed to get on the computer to set his team for the day. I was very kind and let him do this ;). Uh huh....about an hour ago I just went in to pick up my catcher and guess who got him? Yep, you guessed it, Bill.

Really? Did he not hear me? He just text me after I told him what he did and he said I never said anything about a catcher. Then what was I talking about? How cute David Wright is? How I can't stand Pedroia? NO!!!! I was telling him about the catcher I needed.

Now did we forget the rules?

Well the ugly competitive side has come out in me and reared it's ugly head. Ha! Just for that I hope Doumit falls into a slump! heehee.

Okay, okay.....I am not this bad. The story is true but not the part about me appearing mad at Bill. Maybe just a little. I'm a little spoiled and one sided when it comes to things I have to compete at! I don't like to lose!!! Bill can vouch for this. I probably would not bother to admit this to you but I have a few friends on here that know me all too well. They would totally call me out on this.

That's okay, I don't need that catcher! I have the Yankees closer and he rocks along with Youk!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Case of the Mondays....

It's Monday and I am waiting for my motivation to show up. I have a long list of things to do and if this motivation does not show up at my door soon I am going to be sitting with this list in my lap Tuesday morning. Then on Tuesday I will only have more to add to the list.

Let's see: go to grocery store so we aren't eating dog food, go to lunch with Mackenzie, go to the gym, clean up this house, wash Megan's sheets, take Megan to the doctor, somewhere in there take a shower, take Megan to swim practice, check all my emails, set my fantasy team, pick up my prescription, go to the cleaners, reschedule my hair appt, order contacts, pay bills, and I am sure I am missing something else.


A few thoughts from this weekend. I am really excited for my mother. She lost 6 pounds after starting the Core 4 for one week. It's so fun to see how excited she is now. She is telling all her friends about these products. Again....another person who gets excited as I do after feeling the success of the Core 4. Not only my mom but Farrah has lost another 2 lbs, my friend Cyndi has lost 5 pounds in one week and Allison has lost another 2 lbs. Way to go!

My only issue about the Cheat which is in the line of Core 4 products is the sprinkles wouldn't stick to the jelly beans I ate by the handful. So, I basically just opened up my mouth and poured jelly beans in and chased it down with a sprinkle or two of cheat. That's so wrong isn't it?

Another thought about this weekend is the Bodies exhibit we went to. There was a section in the exhibit on embryos and unborn babies. First of all let me say there was a big disclaimer telling guests that the things we were about to see had died from natural causes inside the woman. Okay, I thought. I am usually very hesitant about going forward when there must be a disclaimer.

So I processed it and decided it would be great to take the girls in and see what conception to birth looks like. I have to say this was the most amazing thing I have every seen. I mean I have seen pictures of this but to actually be able to look at it within inches of my eyes was astounding! The difference in a embryo at 8 weeks to 10 weeks was like night and day. The eight week was basically a small tissue and then boom 10 or maybe 12 weeks the baby was fully visible. My girls thought this was so cool! The exhibit was expensive but very interesting! I would say this was a 10.00 visit but hopefully our money was going to a good cause.

A few other notes from this weekend. I finally ate the best crawfish ever at a place called Nates! Even though I love crawfish I was not a fan of Nates as far as the atmosphere goes. But, at least I did it and got my fix!

We had a lazy Easter but not without 63 eggs stuffed with candy! Now it's time for me to get my act together and get this week started off right at the gym!

Till next time! Everyone have a great Monday!

Friday, April 2, 2010

A letter from my Mom

Oh how she is going to kill me for this! I just couldn't resist though. Here I am in the middle of 3 hours straight doing non stop work with this company and all of a sudden this shows up in my email! I did not ask for this testimony but this is the very reason why I love to sell this product!

This is from my Mom!


I got to tell you. I don't even wake up hungry anymore. I even went to the store and only bought good stuff, no junk. In fact, looking at the junk actually turned me off. I cannot believe someone has finally found a product that works. I'll owe you and your friends on this one. It is incredible how the negativity is gone too! What a mental breakthrough. I am even not worrying about the world as much. That is slowly going away. It is only a fleeting moment how and I move on! I know "Hooray!!!!!!!!" LOL! Can you tell I am running on Xyng and Accerlate!


Should she be on the cover of my website or what????? Yeah MOM!! You go girl!

Okay...I promise I am coming back to blog after I finish emailing all these people back requesting more information!!!

Love this Xyngular Core 4 Video!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What a day.....

It's been a few days since I have had a chance to blog.  Really I have not had too much to say about the business so I was actually coming in an hour ago to just update my feelings on stuff in general.  

I did though order Xyngular for the first time today to mix with my shakes!  I can't wait to try and give more input on my experience with that product.  After all if I am going to sell it I better sell it all and not just the Xyng and Core 4.  

So...my day as just been so so and my friends told me I was being a Debbie Downer.  I guess Jules sprinkled good luck on me when she said that because for the past hour my fingers hurt form typing so much info to 4 different people.  

The past hour I don't know what happened  other than Jules calling me Debbie Downer but 4 people just contacted me out of the blue wondering what the heck I was selling!  

One girl got me on the IM on Facebook and thought I was posting spam all over the walls until she decided to ask me if I was selling this stuff.  "Of course I am," I told her.  Then I went on about Xyng and before I knew it she was asking about the Core 4.  Within 5 minutes she was on my site ordering but not before she realized she could sell this stuff.  She then asked me about selling and she immediately thought that was something she could do.  I had to chuckle because I saw her wheels turning like mine did when Jules turned me onto this stuff.   How awesome is that!!!!

You see she works at a company that she can broadcast this out to all her fellow workers.  She told me they are always trying to find the latest and greatest way of losing weight!  Of course I got so excited for her because she was feeling the same thing I did when my wheels started to turn.  

Before I knew it she was signed up to sell.  I am so excited for her and I just love hearing how excited someone gets about these products like I do!  I immediately emailed her all the helpful links and product info to get her started!

Then while all this was going on another friend from the past on my Facebook I had not talked to in quite some time said almost exactly the same thing she did.  "I thought this was spam!"  Well that conversation has now turned into when he gets back from Iraq he can't wait to try the sample of Xyng I am sending him!

Just when I thought things had calmed down another friend I actually had been talking to about the Core 4 finally ordered!  I am so happy for her and can't wait to see her results.  She was one of my hesitant ones and no doubt that is Okay!  I can respect that because I am exactly like that.  Now that she has decided to order I know she is going to be so pleased with her decision.  I can't wait to hear!

Now....back to this weekend.  I did visit the Stoneleigh Hotel where we are getting married.  At the bar after a few mojitos I started to feel my sell jive kick in.  I handed out samples of Xyng and sold half my box to some girls who just couldn't wait to order!  

I have one response so far and she is ready to order the Xyng.  She loved the way it made her feel!  As far as the others go well....I have to find them.  Note to self....be sure to get follow up info after passing out Xyng!  

No worries though I do believe I have their emails somewhere in my purse to add them to my Facebook account!  

What a day and so many lessons to be learned here!!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Lunch at Cantina Laredo

Today I was invited to lunch by a fellow Xyngular distributor who I had met on Facebook.  After starting this venture I have met so many people through this by connecting with them on Facebook.  Facebook has made this business I have ventured on a great resource for meeting others in the Xyngular business.  Everyone I have met so far has been so nice and has been such a huge support for me.

So I showed up at Cantina Laredo and no one was there yet so I got a table.  In walks Toni from Xyngular and Facebook.  I met her for the first time and she was full of energy and enthusiasm.

She immediately called the manager over and started to inquire about us securing a spot on Wednesdays for our meet and greet meetings.  I am a fan of this because what I find most helpful is being around other people doing what I am doing and feeding off of their enthusiasm to sell.

Before I knew it she was pulling out her box of Xyng showing him what we sell.  I actually thought to myself how bold that was and any minute this man is going to totally blow her off.  Well slap my hand he bit the bait! He was intrigued and asked for more info.  Toni just happened to have a two sided brochure giving out the ingredients and product information.  Not only did she hand this to him she gave him a sample.  Again....I'm thinking he isn't going to take this he is working and has no clue who we are!

Again.....slap me, he popped that sucker right into his mouth!  We checked back with him an hour later and he was Xynging!  He said he felt great!  In fact he signed up right there and ordered two boxes!  Wow, Toni you ROCK!!!

Now I consider myself a good sales person but apparently not bold enough to do what she did.  It worked out so smoothly!  I learned one, that you never know who might really be interested so talk about what you do.  Two, I shouldn't be afraid of no because again, you just never know! Lastly I realized I shouldn't let opportunities pass me up like today because someone else will just come in who is more prepared and jump on the opportunity you missed!

Way to go Toni!

Lunch was great!  We did a fun video too!  Be looking for that soon!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Xyngular Sale

Last night in the midst of a horrible thunderstorm I had to go to my education class.  When I arrived I sat down next to the girl I always sit next to.  She started off by asking me if I took my test yet and I told her that I had been so busy I totally forgot how close to the date it was.  I have not even studied yet!!!  She then asked me what I was doing.

Well......ding ding in my head here goes the light bulb and a perfect opportunity to tell her.  I honestly had no intentions on sampling her out Xyng or selling her on this, I just wanted to share the fun!  I told her the story of how my friend Jules was telling me about her weight loss success with Core 4 and I loved hearing about it, but just really was not interested in it for myself.  I told my friend I became interested when Jules told me about a product they are getting soon called Xyng.  (All natural, euphoric feeling, increased focus, decreased appetite, and energy pill)

My friend's eyes lit up and I saw an incerased interest in what I had to say.  I then went on and told her how I was all for trying Xyng but was NOT going to sell it.   Then when the sample came in I was hooked and realized how I could totally sell this stuff! 

Then from the row in front of us another girl turned around and wanted to know more.  Poor thing she had driven from Lubbock 6 hours to here and had to drive back after class.  I was like girl, you need a sample of Xyng!  Here you go!  She gladly took it along with all my instructions and ingredients.   I couldn't leave my friend next to me out either so I handed her a sample.

Then my friend who I was originally talking to started telling me how she was looking into diet plans with her doctor and so on.  I thought....PERFECT!!!  I can now tell her about Core 4.   I went on with the both of them about Core 4 and was so excited about the poducts that they wanted more and more info!!!  I can't believe how easy it was!   I got their emails and came right home to email them all the info!  The thing is I don't feel as if I am selling to them.  I honestly feel like I am doing something good for them!

I am learning so much about the enthusiasm that is needed to sell a product.  If I didn't believe in this stuff I would not be able to effectively do what I do!  I can't waito hear how their sample of XYNG works out for them!  I also hope the girl driving back to Lubbock made it back safely! 

I also want to share a testimony now from a friend who just started Xyng and the Core 4.  Here is wha she had to say this morning:

From my friend who just started! I love the Xyng!!! It really makes you feel normal. No fast heart beats, no jitters, no nothing except it makes you feel awake. Thanks for the recommendation!! I also took accelerate this morning, and I am feeling the same way. Starting to feel a little hungry, but I am not starving. Will start the gym next week ..on Monday with the spin class, and all should be good. THANKS XYNG!!!!!

That makes me so excited!!!  I want to go and tell the world over the loud speaker!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Core 4 30 day plan arrived!

I woke up this morning with a horrible migraine!  I am barely processing the emails I am trying to sort through.  Then all of a sudden my BIG German Shepherd and small high pitched Toy Fox Terrier came unglued at the front door!  All I know is someone was about to get mobbed if they came any closer to my door and my head was about to split open from their barking!

I pulled myself out of my barstool and opened the front door after sticking my foot in front of the dogs so they wouldn't  charge out.  Charge out at a box!  A box on the front porch!  Not a burgular, not a lawn guy, not someone walking their dog, but a box!  Sure, at one time there was probably a person attached to this box but I believe this man had been gone for quite sometime.  So, here I have a box threatening my dogs.  

After fighting with these two dogs I finally got the box in but not before they inspected it!  You would of thought drugs were in it by the way Scout was sniffing it.  Nope, it was my CORE 4!!!

Wow!  My first package of Core 4.  I was quite impressed with the packaging.  It was like a box packed with a WII system.  Everything was laid out so nice and organized and a beautiful detailed brochure explaining all that I need to know!  I am quite impressed.  

Again one more thing that impresses me about this company!  So...I can't wait for Bill to get home and let's get our Core 4 going!  

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New Cards

Today I got my business cards and am so excited this will hopefully open up more doors for me!  What do you think?

Monday, March 22, 2010

Tonight's phone call

So for the first time I chimed in on the weekly phone call provided by Cheryl Abels and her guest speakers.  All this is a part of the road I decided to take with Xyngular.  I just love all the new people I have met and all the information that I am learning.

What I found out tonight was that Xyng, which I thought was just good for focus, energy, and appetite depressant, turns out to be so much more!  They had a doctor on the line tonight who talked about how people with pain take Xyng and are no longer needing there oxycotin and vicodin.  That's amazing.  Not only that, I heard that diabetics are now benefiting from Xyng!

I personally have high blood pressure and the ingredients in Xyng are actually helping people lower their blood pressure.  I am honestly thinking about taking this everyday just to see if I can obtain these results.  Wouldn't that be awesome!  I could get off my meds.  I will keep you posted!

My fiance Bill can hardly wait now to get his Core 4.  I learned so much more about the Core 4 products that I want to share it with everyone!  Did you know that 80 percent of our population is overweight?  Then there are those who think they could lose a few pounds.  Core 4 is a set of 4 products that you use and you don't have to change a thing to experience phenomenal results.  I hear so many testimonies.  I can't wait for Bill to start so I can keep you guys updated.

This journey I have embarked on is so amazing.  I can't wait for tomorrow and what the day has to bring.  I am excited and can't wait to share more!  Again....thanks Jules for sharing this with me!  As skeptical as I was I can honestly say I am no longer!  I feel blessed to be able to become involved on the ground floor of a company like this!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Is this Texas or what?

You know you are in Texas when yesterday we were in shorts and actually getting a tan and this morning we are waking up to potential snow!  Gotta love Texas!

Good Morning!  I woke up this morning at 4:30am and apparently it was my brain that woke me up.  I had all this grinding and turning going on in there.  I had all these great ideas running through my head and needed to get it down on paper.  Then I realized how wonderful this blogging is because I can do it right here.  Though, I continued to lay there in bed thinking I can't get up now at 4:30am to blog because my brain was on fire and if I put all that down in this blog you guys would really realize I am quite random.

The reason why I was worried about that is that my fiance (Bill) is now a subscriber.  I can assure you he will tell me if I am all over the place in a blog and not making sense.  You see sometimes I get to writing away and do not go back and proof read.  I assume everyone can follow me on paper but what I have learned lately from him is I leave thoughts out and tend to lose people to where they are scratching their heads.  My mom quite often tells me that also.

So you see I am trying to avoid that by using paragraphs.  Therefore, if you get lost you can just go to the next paragraph and hopefully you can start new with me on a new thought.  How is that?  Seriously though I would love for you to comment, ask questions and give feedback if you like.  I am going to disclose to you right now I have a lot going on in my brain and the best course of action is to get it out of my head and onto the blog!

Okay next topic is about last night.  Bill and I went over to some friends of ours to give them a sample of Xyng.  I am usually sizing people up before I decide whether I think they would be good at the business opportunity side of this company.  Although, these friends of ours would honestly be fantastic at selling this stuff so I did mention to them a few days ago what I am doing and how I think they would really do well.

Come to find out, let's call her Rhonda for her privacy, she is like me!  We have the same quirks so she was very excited to hear how much I loved Xyng and how it works for me!  I can't wait for her to try it today and hear her response.  I will keep you posted.  Then her husband, let's call him Bob, also is excited about trying Xyng because he is ADD.  Wow, I  must say he has a fascinating mind.  I walked out of their house telling Bill  how much that guy needs to be doing something that uses his brain extensively.  You can feel the energy coming off his brain.  He is so analytical and his thoughts are so out there (in a good way).  He is one man that needs to be doing something at all time you can smell the smoke coming from the gears turning in his head.  Him and his wife would be so good at selling this stuff that I envision his wheels turning like mine thinking about the next way to market this stuff.

Yesterday was quite successful again for me.  I love to sell!  In fact I have been trying for years to get into the sales industry and sell something I truly believe in.  The problem is no one wanted to give me that foot in the door for me to show them that I could sell ice cubes to an eskimo.  I didn't realize an opportunity like this was sitting right in front of me.  Ding Ding!!!!  Light bulb moment is what I had a week or so ago.  I truly am so thankful I have decided to do this.

So here I am in a new day!  What am I going to accomplish great today?  We will soon find out!  Everyone go out and do something great today!

Oh one more thing.....here I am at the end of this blog.  I really should go spell check this and look for missing words.  Nah....that's what I have Bill on here for.    For now I will post this and let Bill when he reads it fix it for me.  Gotta love him!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Where did Joe Go?

What a great idea! This email came to me today from our Master Distributor Joe Slovenec. He is committing to lose 40 pounds in four months on the Core 4. He just ordered it and should be receiving it soon. Several other leaders of the company are also participating. They are going to keep us updated through their daily testimonials.

Here is what he said:
"Where Did Joe Go...40 Pounds in 4 Months with Core4"
Here's the concept. I need to lose weight so I am choosing to be accountable to all of you. In 4 months, in San Diego, California Xyngular will host "Xyngfest". I am committing to you that I will lose 40 pounds on Core4 by that event. I believe leaders must lead from the front. So as I become a mere image of my former overweight self the question will be "Where Did Joe Go"?
I am going to keep you apprised of my progress so you can hold me accountable and here's how I believe this will help you recruit new distributors into your team. You can use my progress to share with your prospects that the product really works. Many of you will be using Core4 for the first time and won't have your own weight loss testimony so you can share my progress with your prospects -- they like to check on a leader who is being vulnerable and accountable, they want to watch and see if I succeed or fail...failure is not an option!

Xyng Ingredients

Xyng Ingredients

Vitamin B6~ may aid in the formation of several neurotransmitters and is therefore an essential nutrient in the regulation of mental processes and possibly mood.

Calcium (as Coral) ~Coral calcium may help to increase bone density, strengthen teeth and helps with osteoporosis. It is a natural dietary supplement that contains doze(dns of natural minerals and vitamins that the human body requires for good health, including Vitamin D and magnesium, two essential elements that work well with calcium. Having sufficient calcium in the body can prevent muscle and bone pain, high blood pressure caused by stress and cramping of the muscles, as well as bone diseases. Magnesium (as Coral) may help us to build energy which control blood pressure in our body and associate with potassium and calcium. Note: Some experts feel that by adding Calcium and Magnesium to Energy and Weight Loss Formulas that the people experience a smoother energy level and a more balanced PH.

Chromium (as Polynicotinate) said to have greater biological activity than other forms of Chromium, including sources from picolinate. CP helps to stabilize blood sugar levels and can be critical to the synthesis of cholesterol, fats and proteins. Chromium polynicotinate dof pure niacin-bound chromium, identified by United States Government researchers as the active component of true GTF(Glucose Tolerance Factor). GTF is responsible for binding insulin to cell membrane receptor sites. Chromium polynicotinate has been shown to possess greater biological activity than other chromiumpicolinate weight loss supplements.

Jet Black Cocoa~ (seed) may have the ability to elevate the metabolism and perhaps even increase satiety (fullness). For instance, is the chemical responsible for that "chocolate high" some people experience when eating... uh... chocolate.

Geranium Flower~ as a nutrition supplement has been used to stimulate weight loss. Also used as a nasal decongestant, some say they seem to breathe better after taking this supplement.

Phenylethlamine HCL (Trace Mineral Blend) Referred to as "PEA" Researchers believe that our body releases phenylethylamine as if when we are in love, thus producing the uplifted mood associated with love. It is rumored that chocolate produces the same feelings because of the phenylethylamine it contains. Have you ever tried eating dinner after eating chocolate? Same goes with phenylethylamine youjust are not hungry, loss of appetite.

Barley grass~ (5 grams) has more protein and fiber than a serving (114 grams) of raw spinach. Barley grass juice contains antioxidants, enzymes, and other phytochemicals that in vitro neutralize free radicals and other unfriendly chemicals, including pesticides and food preservatives. This grass also contains large amounts of beta carotene, folic acid, calcium, and several B vitamins making it a good source of nutrients. Barley juice also contains nutrients such as vitamins C and E, which are much more potent together than when taken separately. Barley grass is high in iron, all essential amino acids, flavonoids, and a number of minerals. Barley grass may sometimes be rich in vitamin K, which interferes with the action of anticoagulants such as Coumadin (the brand name for warfarin, a drug used to treat and prevent blood clots).

Kelp~ Kelp nourishes the thyroid gland and so maintains healthy metabolism and glandular function.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Very excited!

Well today was a successful day. One thing I realized as I was out running in this beautiful weather today is I won't give up. I am going to look at this as a full time job. I am a sales rep for this company.

What is so great about the products is it is easy to sell because I love the product. I believe in it. I have been in jobs before where I was selling a product I really had not experienced myself. Sounds crazy and difficult if you ask me. I think being successful at selling for a company you must know how the product works on yourself and believe in it.

That is why I have no problems sharing Xyng with my friends. I only wish I had a huge stockpile of Xyng because I would give one to everyone!!!! I offered 30 samples today and they flew out the door. I can't wait till all of my friends get the samples and hear what they think. I know for me I was amazed at how I felt!

So the day is almost over and I looked at my emails and saw that I sold the Core 4 experience to a lady in Louisiana. Exciting!

What I keep hearing from people I don't know is that they have done their research and want to try this out. Speaking from my two dear friends who are doing the Core 4 products I have no doubts in my mind these strangers who have contacted me are making the right decisions.

Awesome day and now it's time to call it a night!

Good night all.