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See through my eyes as I start a career with Xyngular

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A little worried

Well this year has been a rough year for my oldest daughter. She is in 5th grade and I don't know what it is, though I do suspect, but these girls are getting quite mean. Not Megan, but her friends. One day they are friends and the next she comes home telling me they snuffed her off. I am at a lost and fearful at the same time.

Probably did not help that I picked up the latest gossip magazine only to read about a girl who committed suicide because she was bullied in her school. It tears my heart apart and I feel so bad for those parents. I could not imagine the pain they must be going through and the pain this poor girl was going through to want to commit suicide.

My solution today is to go eat lunch with her at her school. She really enjoys this and if this is what helps her then by all means I am on board! You see the other day her "so called" friends started to sit with her then ran off to another table and left her alone. Now a few others girls came up and sat with her which I was thankful to hear but it broke my heart. She doesn't understand.

I think I might but I can't change Megan. She is who she is. She is a bit socially awkward, I guess. She is naive I would say. Talks a lot and hold an enormous amount of information that most girls her age are really not interested in. You see she is a walking encyclopedia. She finds science and how things are made fascinating!

I do know in the long run if I can just get her there she will be a much brighter and wiser person if she just can hang on to her identity. Hopefully it won't get squashed by all these girly girls who feel the need to gossip about one another and switch friends weekly.

So, today is a sad day for me. I am worried. I am concerned. I am scared. All these emotions and I just want to protect her. She is the most loving and caring child you will ever meet and sadly that does not make her popular.

With that said....I am off now to eat lunch with her.

Till...next time.

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