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Welcome to my Blog
See through my eyes as I start a career with Xyngular

Friday, May 21, 2010

Change In Direction

Good Morning! I have decided after not being able to sleep for some reason last night to focus my blog on a particular topic.  My dear friend Allison has always told me I need to put Realationship Counselor and Xyngular Distributor on my business cards.  I have decided to take her advice!  Wel not really put that on my business cards but to offer up intersting topics and helpful articles in regards to relationships. 

I tend to be a magnet when it comes to my friends and even strangers discussing their relationship problems.  I love it!  I love to help them out.  I feel with my life experiences and my education I can offer some great advice.  No one has to take my advice or suggestions but I hope that you will ponder them in your head at some point. 

What do you think?  I hope to start this afternoon after doing a bit of reading.  I was wondering if you have any ideas on realtionship topics I should address? 

But, before I sign off this morning, I wanted to share this letter I received from a mother with a child with autism.  I don't need to say anymore about how this made me feel for you and myself.  I will let you decide how you feel after you read this.  Please fee free to comment.  I would love to hear what you have to say.

I am searching for ideas about my unique situation involving my little guy (who is also quite unique, as we all know). His latest and greatest obsessions involve clean vs dirty cars, car washes and car emblems. I am so tired of all of this and so ready for him to move onto another obsession!!! He will break down into tears over seeing a dirty car (not every time, but when he does it is a severe emotional breakdown lasting up to and even over an hour.) He has heightened anxiety at the moment, which I have already written about in the past and we did get back his strep titers test finally. The test was positive with high titers, so we will be treating for this soon with he help of our Dr.  I hope this treatments helps ease his anxiety and obsessions, since we know those can be symptoms of chronic strep infection.

Another issue that is causing great concern is his obsession with car emblems and his desire to see the inside of EVERY car he sees so that he can locate the emblem on the car's steering wheel. This obsession is so great that he runs off from us in parking lots, runs out of stores or building to get to the cars in the parking lots, tries to open car doors to see inside which can set off the alarms, and even has run up to people getting in and out of their cars and tried to push them aside so that he can attempt to see the steering wheel. It's INSANE and so dangerous, not to mention absolutely embarrassing when he climbs on someone's car to see in or practically tackles them to get to their car. This does not make others very happy, as you can imagine.

He's now officially faster than I am and this scares me to death! His racing through parking lots when he gets away from us is terrifying. I am partially venting to get this off my chest to a group that I know understands and also seeking opinions... do I wait until we address the strep and other issues with his DAN and hope to see these obsessions subside with proper treatments before taking a complete behavioral approach? Has anyone experienced anything like this before? I am losing my mind everytime we leave the house because the ability to get from our car to our destination and then back again is maddening! It's an all out battle to keep him off of cars and forget hand holding... I just have to grip him tightly in an effort to keep him with me. Not getting to see the cars seems to make the obsession worse!!! Help!!!!

Bless this mother!  Till next time....

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