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Welcome to my Blog
See through my eyes as I start a career with Xyngular

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Several Things I have learned so far!


Well, it has been awhile since I posted something on my blog. The last few weeks have been one crazy ride. I have learned so much in the past few weeks I thought I would share. Here we go....

1. I should have bought a video camera a long time ago to film my girls at their swim meets. What a great investment this was! It was so cool to come home after a three day meet and replay the events for them and also to share with my family in California! Why didn't I think of this along time ago?

2. I love my job! I honestly never thought about the rewards I would be receiving when taking this on. I have been doing this for a little over 2 months now and it just keeps growing. I am no where even close to wanting to throw in the towel and am thankful for that! Not only is it growing I have been creating some meaningful relationships. I have always had this passion for helping people, but didn't realize when embarking on this journey as a distributor for Xyngular that it would actually fulfill this need to want to help others. I think the best thing I have heard in the past week was when two friends of mine told me they trusted me. Trusted me because I am not looking to make a sale I am actually wanting to help them lose weight and for that they wanted to try the Core 4. They have known me for years and trust my judgement due to my example of living a healthy lifestyle. How cool is that? I am so thankful I am able to help others.

3. Never play fantasy baseball, football, or anything fantasy with your fiance. Enough said....

4. I have learned the social media world is enormous and you can easily get lost in the world. You can find your self spending hours researching, jumping from one link to another, setting up accounts in all the social networks, wasting time, losing sight of the big picture and so on. Honestly it is very simple. There is a wrong way and a right way. The internet world is HUGE!!! I am guilty of the wrong way but learned very quickly what works. Just pick two social sites and build relationships within them. Don't market your product all over the site just build relationships. How fun is that! You can also do this for free! You don't need to spend money on learning how to play in the social media world. You don't need to spend money to get more leads. You don't need to spend money on how to obtain more friends. Just be yourself. There is plenty of free advice out there and I would be more than happy to give it out.

I sit at my computer and re connect with friends from my past. I participate in a few groups that I have a passion for and meet new friends. Become an expert in something you love and become a trusted friend. We buy from the people we trust.

5. I have also learned the world of twitter. Twitter, I always thought was just about posting updates. Oh, not even close! Twitter is huge on marketing your business. You just have to figure out how to use it successfully. I hate seeing tweets from friends posting links to their products. In fact I un-follow them. Twitter, just as facebook, is about building relationships. Did you know you can search twitter by keywords, location, who follows who, and by profile data? Do you know you can use hashtags in twitter? Do you know what that is? Did you know you can set up automated direct messages to everyone who follows you? Or what about this, did you know you can automatically set your tweets to post for the entire day? You can also reply to people's tweets and it will broadcast out to all their tweet friends and yours? Or how about just retweet their tweet and maybe they will retweet yours to their followers. Whew!!! The world of twitter! Can you see how this relationship building in twitter can really help build your business? I could go on with more and more about twitter but I am afraid I may of lost some of you.

6. I now know that is does not do me any good to have a planner since I have showed up this week to two appointments and the appointment was not on the day I showed up. I apparently can not read the days of the week.

7. I have found a new love again for running. I have never felt better. I have been running now for 3 years straight. My new love though is running 2.5 miles every other day and working on my couch to 10k training on the other days. I feel healthy and stronger than ever before!

8. I have also learned that I should never be afraid of the dentist when my 8yr. old had her two front teeth knocked out two weeks ago and she went through way more than I ever have at the dentist. I showed up to my root canal appointment the next day with a smile on my face. Okay....so the nitrous helped a little. I also realized too much makes you hallucinate. I guess I should of said something to the dentist. I thought that was normal.

Well....that's pretty much what I have learned in the past few weeks. I am sure there is more but I can update you guys later. I am not off to hit the pavement for some 10k training.

Till next time.....


  1. Michelle - I am so moved by this. I feel SO BLESSED that we are "connected" to make a difference in people's lives - and for each other. I cannot wait for you to get to Phoenix...you are getting the BIGGEST HUG from me!!!

  2. Michelle, I am so proud of you!! I love seeing the introspective and insightful side. I have gained so much through this process, and I am so happy to see you are having similar victories and learning experiences in your life. I feel the momentum building, do you? I am honored and grateful that we are stepping down this road together - even though it may lead us down separate paths from time to time. We have shared so much through the years - and what a GREAT RIDE we have ahead!! I am so glad you're my friend. Love you, girl! ~Jules
